Huge crowds of devotees gathered across India this month to celebrate the Hindu festival Ganesh Chaturthi, marking the birth of the deity Ganesha, the elephant-headed, round-bellied god of prosperity and wisdom. The 10-day festivities saw worshipers hoist elaborately painted clay idols of Ganesha towards the sky and submerge them in water…
Hundreds of pagers carried by Hezbollah members in Lebanon blew up nearly simultaneously on Tuesday in an unprecedented attack…
It is exactly the kind of attention Ukraine did not need. Since the start of clashes with Russia over…
A mayoral debate in the Brazilian city of São Paulo turned ugly when one of the candidates attacked a…
In recent years, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has been signalling its intent to become a major player in…
Dominique Pelicot, the Frenchman accused of drugging his wife and recruiting dozens of strangers to rape her over a…
The Israeli military says that three Israeli hostages whose bodies were recovered from Gaza in December were “most likely”…
A Russian strike on an apartment block in the northeastern Ukrainian city of Kharkiv has injured at least 41…
Britain’s royal family has publicly wished Prince Harry a happy birthday, their first such message since 2021 to mark…